Sunday, 12 April 2015

Fishing Videos

It's been a long time since this blog saw an update, all my current angling is on the North West Carp Blog. I've recently been updating my Youtube Channel to compliment my angling blogging and I hope you like some of the clips and films shown here, I carry a Go Pro Video Camera with me every trip these days so my channel will be seeing quite a few updates as the fishing season unfolds.

I have plans to write Anglers Diary again but for none carp species later this year, my youtube channel will also support my non carp fishing which will be for perch and pike once we get towards the end of the year. In the meantime please have a look at the fishing films on my channel, like and share them and please subscribe for future updates. The channel is very much in it's infancy at the moment but a few clips have been uploaded already, please feel free to check them out below.

How to prepare tiger nuts for carp fishing, click to watch!

How to prepare maize for carp fishing

Snag and Pad Fishing for Cheshire Carp

Cromwell Carp Social 2015

The typical fishing day of a Wirral Carp Angler

North West Carp Blog Channel Introduction

How to apply lead coating powder to your carp leads

Playing a Shropshire Carp caught using a Kevin Nash Zig Float

Long Range Casting

A walk along the Meadows in Chester City Centre

Floater fishing, carp feeding on the surface

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